This spiritual, conference and accomodation centre, opened just recently, founded by The Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour on Jakubovo square is situated in the Old Town Bratislava. With Centre Salvator these communities share the grounds: sisters monastery, the seat of the provincial superior and nursing home for elderly sisters.
„With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.“ Isaiah 12:3
This motto with the logo of the congregation „De Fontibus Salvatoris“ – (from the wells of salvation) desires to invite people to stop, though in the middle of this metropolitan desert and hectic life. In this word of God is a promise that one can really draw the „water of life“ and with joy! As the Samaritan woman after talking with Jesus by the Jacob’s well. (Centre Salvator is located on Jacob’s square). According to the foundress Mother Alphonse Marie’s wish the sisters want to enable the guests to experience that God loves everyone personally, caries for everyone and wants everyone to be happy and have succesfull life. So the Centre Salvator invites all who long for the oasis in the metropolitan desert.
Web page of The Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour is: www.spasitelky.sk www.cstss.org